Learn how to add a new page or section to your website
Last updated: 18 Oct. 2024 |
This article is broken up into two parts: adding a page to your website and adding a section to your website:
Adding a page to your website
1. From the B12 dashboard select Website -> Pages
2. From the lefthand editing panel, select Add page
3. Select the kind of page you would like to add
After you select add page, you will be shown an array of page categories. Select the one most relevant to the type of page you are trying to create.
4. Customize your new page and publish the changes
Note, once the page is created you can make edits to ensure it's in line with the exact page you want to create. Here are some helpful articles about page customization once the page has been created:
Adding a section to your website
1. From the B12 dashboard select Website -> Pages
2. Select the page you'd like to add a section to
From the lefthand editing panel, scroll until you find the page where you would like to add a new section; in this case, we've selected the About page.
3. On the lefthand editing panel, select Add section
4. Choose from a list of section styles
After selecting Add section you'll be presented with an array of section styles and categories. Select the one that works best for you
5. Customize your new section and publish the changes
For additional help, email hello@b12.io