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Hide or Show your Team Member Page

Written by Jay Douglas

When you add a new member to your Team section, B12 automatically creates a unique page for your team member. You can hide, show, or customize your team member page template by following these instructions.

Note: By default, team member pages are published even if they are not linked anywhere on your site. This means they could be found in search results. Follow these instructions to hide a team member page.

1. Under Pages, choose the Team member from the list at the bottom.

Click Show more if you can't find the team member you're looking for.

2. Scroll down to the Page visibility section and click the Hide button.

Customize Your Team Member Pages

We use templates for your Team member pages to keep them consistent. When you use a template, any Team member with that specific template selected will have the same layout and can include additional images, text, or sections.

In short, a template is a specific layout you can choose to apply to multiple Team member pages (or just one, if you’d like).

How to view and edit your template(s)

1. To access your template(s), click on any Team member from your list of Pages or your Team section.

2. At the very bottom, click ✏️Edit templates and select the template you wish to edit.

3. You will see a preview of what your Team member page looks like with this template. To customize the appearance for this template, edit your Team Member Template section.

4. (Optional) You can also add new default sections, similar to any page on your site.

  • For example, you may want your Team member pages to have a Newsletter sign up or call-to-action at the bottom of the page. See these instructions to add a new section.

For example, you may want your Team member pages to have a Newsletter sign up or call-to-action at the bottom of the page. See these instructions to add a new section.

Mapping content on your template’s sections

You also have the option to decide what text or photos accompany the template. We call this mapping; when you map a field of the website editor, such as the Title, you’re telling it what content to display. For example, you can map the Title to show the Team member's name, or you can set the Title to always display the same text, no matter the team member.

  • To map content to a section of your template, click Manage beside the field you want to map, then select Map content to attribute. You can then select which field you want this area to display automatically, such as Name or Bio. Mapped content will display different content on each page relating to the specific team member.

  • To unmap content, select Set content directly. Unmapped content will display the same static content on all pages using your template regardless of the team member.

Creating new templates

To access your template(s), click on any of your Team members in your Team section.

  • Click the dropdown above Edit templates and select Create new template.

  • Edit the template accordingly based on how you want this template to show off your Team members. The section How to view and edit your template(s) above describes this further.

Renaming, Duplicating, and Setting a Default Template

We recommend editing the template name so you can keep track of which template has which preset sections and features. Click the gear icon ⚙ to access this feature, as well as Duplicate, Delete, or Set as default. Note: You cannot delete your Default template until you set another template as default.


How do I know what template a Team member page is using?

  • Find the team member you want to check, and whichever template shows before you click the dropdown menu is the template applied to the team member. If you’d like to change which template is being applied, click the dropdown and select the alternate template.

How can I find a list of all Team member pages using a template?

  • Access any team member and click Edit templates. Then, click the dropdown under Preview team member to see which team members are using this template.