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How to prepare for your kickoff screen share

Get the most out of your first meeting with a launch specialist

Written by Meredith

The kickoff screen share is the first of two 60-minute virtual meetings with a B12 launch specialist. The purpose of this meeting is to get an in-depth understanding of your business's online needs and goals so that your team can build you a professional-grade website and configure all the tools you'll need in our all-in-one platform. The virtual conferencing software used for this meeting is Google Meet.

Our most successful customers prepare for their kickoff screen share in the following ways:

A few days before the kickoff screen share

Submit your customer details form

Fill out the customer details form as much as possible. This form gathers basic information, content, and aesthetic preferences. The launch specialist will review this form ahead of your meeting so you can hit the ground running. Aim to submit this form at least a day before the kickoff, but day-of is ok too.

At the time of the kickoff screen share

Be in front of your computer

On the kickoff screen share, the launch specialist will share their screen so that you can make design decisions together. You must use a laptop or desktop for the kickoff, not a phone or tablet. If you can't be in front of a computer at the scheduled time, email hello@b12.io to reschedule the meeting.

Join the Google Meet promptly

You will receive email reminders for your kickoff screen share. These emails contain the link to join the Google Meet. Click the link to join the meeting. Our launch specialists have their camera turned off, and it's up to you whether you keep your camera on or off.

There's a lot to cover in 60 minutes, so joining the Google Meet on time or even a few minutes early is strongly encouraged.

After the kickoff screen share

Set aside time to complete your checklist

After the kickoff, your launch specialist will send you an email with your checklist. The checklist lists any tasks we need you to complete before we can get started. Common checklist items include connecting your bank account so you can let your clients pay you through the online payments and invoicing tool, or providing a list of employees you want to feature on your website. Most customers complete their checklist immediately after their kickoff, or within 1 day.

Once the checklist is completed, your team can get started. You'll receive the first draft of your website a few business days later.