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Create a no-code AI form

Choose from no-code AI templates or create your own points to build custom AI-powered processes without any technical skills needed.

Written by Meredith

Important: Since AI for generating text is a relatively new technology, you should not publish its output without editing and fact-checking, and you should understand the technology's limitations.

Along with reading the steps, we highly recommend watching the below video.

  1. If you haven't already, create an OpenAI account. and find your OpenAI API key as you will eventually paste it into B12.

  2. Log into B12.io.

  3. Click Intake forms.

  4. Click Add form.

  5. Scroll down to Next steps. Under Next steps, select Show text generated by AI.

  6. Click Add prompt to generate text.

  7. Select one of the templates and click Continue.

  8. If this is the first AI form you’ve created, you’ll need to paste in your OpenAI API key.

  9. For each red-colored phrase in the prompt, you will need to add a corresponding field to the form. Take note of which fields you need to add.

  10. Click Back.

  11. Add a field for each red-colored phrase. There are a variety of field types to choose from such as date or number. The most common field type you’re likely to use if the input will be a short amount of text is the field type “Text”. If the input will be longer, select the field type “Textarea”.

  12. Make sure all the form fields have correct Form labels and are set to Required.

  13. We recommend you edit the form’s URL, Form title, Title, and Text to be relevant to the AI form’s purpose. For example, if the AI form will generate a job posting, change the URL to “generate-job-post”, the Form title to “Job post generator”, the title to “Job post generator”, and the text to “Complete the fields to generate a job post”.

  14. Under Next steps, click Edit under the prompt.

  15. Replace each red phrase by clicking it, and then clicking the corresponding gray box at the bottom of the prompt text editor so it turns purple.

  16. Preview your website, fill out the form, and verify that you see generated text based on your prompt and the data you submitted with the form.

  17. Click Publish.

Responsibly reviewing and editing AI-generated text

The latest generation of AI-powered text generation tools is quite powerful. Used responsibly, the tools help support your creativity and save you time. While it's hard for people to distinguish AI-generated text from human-generated text, you shouldn't publish the output of an AI text generator. Ultimately, you should view the text generated by AI as a rough draft for you to critically review, fact check, and edit.

We have evaluated our tool across several scenarios and have published the biases and limitations of the implementation. Here are some considerations for when you review AI-generated text:

Here are some considerations for when you review AI-generated text:

  • Your voice. While it's convenient to have a nice starting point for your content, the content you choose to use is a reflection of you and your business. Your content is sometimes the first impression your clients will have of you. For clients that make time to learn about your business, make sure your own philosophy, values, and advice make their way into the content you provide them.

  • Bias. Since the AI that powers this technology is trained on content that can be found on the web, the technology is susceptible to various biases (e.g., gender and race). For example, an AI generating text about a male lawyer's skills might use different language than it would to describe a female lawyer's skills.

  • Fact-checking. The AI that powers the technology generates text, not facts. While the text might be believable, it might not be factual. You should check any fact in the text generated by the AI, as it might be entirely invalid.

  • Plagiarism. By virtue of being trained on text from the web, the text that is generated might be similar to other content on the web. You should vet that the text isn't too similar to other text on the web before publishing it. A free tool like Grammarly's plagiarism checker is a good place to start.

Your voice. While it's convenient to have a nice starting point for your content, the content you choose to use is a reflection of you and your business. Your content is sometimes the first impression your clients will have of you. For clients that make time to learn about your business, make sure your own philosophy, values, and advice make their way into the content you provide them.

Bias. Since the AI that powers this technology is trained on content that can be found on the web, the technology is susceptible to various biases (e.g., gender and race). For example, an AI generating text about a male lawyer's skills might use different language than it would to describe a female lawyer's skills.

Fact-checking. The AI that powers the technology generates text, not facts. While the text might be believable, it might not be factual. You should check any fact in the text generated by the AI, as it might be entirely invalid.

Plagiarism. By virtue of being trained on text from the web, the text that is generated might be similar to other content on the web. You should vet that the text isn't too similar to other text on the web before publishing it. A free tool like Grammarly's plagiarism checker is a good place to start.