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How to complete your checklist

Prioritize completing your checklist so your team has everything they need to get started on your first website draft

Written by Jay Douglas

After your kickoff screen share, your launch specialist sends you a link to your checklist. The checklist lists any tasks you need to complete before your launch team can get started building your website and customizing your platform.

Our most successful customers complete their checklist within 1 day after their kickoff screen share.

1. Open your checklist.

2. Each checklist item requires a specific action, such as uploading a file or writing text. You'll also have a checklist item to connect your bank account so that you can accept online payments from your clients through the B12 platform.

3. Double check that you've completed all your checklist items, and then click Submit. Your team will be notified once you complete your checklist, and can then get started on your project! You will receive your first website draft a few days later.

If you have any questions, contact your launch specialist or email hello@b12.io