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Adding a file upload field to your contact form

Allow your visitors to upload files, such as resumes or other documents, directly from your intake or contact form.

Written by Jay Douglas


The file upload feature is available to users with a Client Engagement seat.

How to add a file upload field


1. From your Intake form or Contact form, click the Add fields dropdown and select File upload.

If you need to add a new Contact form, follow these instructions.

If you need to add a new Intake form, follow these instructions.

2. Edit the Field label for your file upload (example: "Attach your resume").

3. Optional settings:

Customize the Placeholder text with upload instructions for your visitors.

Choose whether the file upload is Required to submit the form and choose whether to Allow multiple file uploads.

4. Publish your updates!

File Upload FAQs

How will the files be sent to me?

All attached files are included in the submission notification email, but you must log in to view them.


Who can access the uploaded files?

Only logged-in users with access to Client Engagement can download/open the files. This protects personally identifiable content from being sent to other people by accidentally forwarding an email. You can add new users and adjust permissions by following these instructions.


Are the uploaded files saved somewhere in my account and will I be able to access the file in the future?


What kind of files can be uploaded?

You can accept a wide variety of file types, including PDFs, Microsoft Office documents, media files, etc.


Is there a size limit?

The total file size limit is 20MB across all files uploaded;


What kind of information can I collect? Are the files encrypted?

Files are not encrypted, so we do not recommend accepting sensitive information in any form field or file upload, including, but not limited to, medical information