- Help Center
- Using the B12 Editor
- Editing Pages and Sections
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Getting Started
Using the B12 Editor
Launch your B12 website (Do it yourself)
Launch your website with B12 Experts
All about your B12 account
Blogging with B12
Payments & Invoicing
Contact forms & Intake forms
Managing your contacts
Online scheduling
Email Marketing
Contracts & e-Signatures
Analytics & SEO
Using integrations with B12
Customizing your section layout

Here is a brief introduction to the main section options you may have available. Keep in mind that different types of sections will have a unique set of options.
Alignment - Align a section's content left, right, or center.
Background - Style your background image.
Buttons & links - Change button size, hide or show certain buttons, or choose button behavior.
Grid & dimensions - Adjust the width of your content and the number of columns.
Images - Change images' shapes, sizes, hover style, and coloring.
Order & positioning - Change the order of content in that section.
Section accents - Add section features like padding, borders, skew, and dividers.
Contact Sections
Contact details - Hide contact information like hours, location, map, phone number.
Forms - Hide or show form labels, placeholder text, field separators, and more!
Social media icons - Choose your social icon appearance and hover animations.
Special Features
Lightbox - Adjust the color scheme and layout of the lightbox (pop-up/modal)
Slider - Adjust carousel options like scrolling speed, autoplay, toggles, and more!
Flipping cards - Set the options for your flipping cards, like animation effects, alignment, border, and more!