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Integrating Weglot on your B12 website

Learn how to add multiple languages to your B12 website using Weglot.

Written by: Madeline Buchanan

Last updated: 25 Oct. 2024

While B12 doesn't currently support local translation for our websites, there are a myriad of options when it comes to translating your site. At B12, we recommend a Weglot integration as our preferred method for translation.

What is Weglot?

Weglot is a no-code website translation tool that integrates with various platforms, including your B12 website, enabling quick multilingual setup. It offers both automated translations and the ability to manually edit translations through a centralized dashboard. Weglot allows users to manage translations efficiently while expanding their website's accessibility across different languages.

How to integrate Weglot on your B12 website

Note: We highly recommend you watch the following video created by the Weglot team, which outlines how to use Weglot to translate your website step by step. Just be sure to refer back to this guide, as the process of adding an integration for a B12 website differs from the one outlined in this guide.

1. Create a Weglot account

You can use this link to create a Weglot account.

2. Create a translation project

Once you've created your WeGlot account, you will be redirected to your WeGlot dashboard, where you can create a translation project. Give your translation project a name (we recommend using the URL for your website) and select Other from the drop-down labeled Website Technology.

3. Translate your website

To translate your website using Weglot, follow the steps outlined below:

Translating your B12 website using Weglot:

In order to translate your website using Weglot, you must add a JavaScript integration to your B12 site. You can do this by:

Watch the video linked above: This entire process is outlined in the Youtube video above. We highly recommend taking a look at that video and then referring back to these steps to tweak the process to B12's standards.

1. Scroll down on the setup page until you see a hyperlink labeled Use JavaScript Integration and select it.

2. Select your website's original language and the desired language

After selecting JavaScript Integration, you'll be taken to a new set up page. From here, select the original language of your website and the language you would like to translate it to.

3. Copy the JS integration code

Once you select your languages, you will be provided a block of code to add to your website. Select the button labeled Copy to copy the code from the code box.

4. Log into your B12 editor

Once you've copied the code from Weglot, you'll want to move on to adding it to your B12 site. To do this you must first log into your editor.

5. Select Website -> Settings

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6. Scroll down on the lefthand editing panel until you see the section labeled "Sitewide integrations"

7. To add a new sitewide integration, you can select either Manage integrations or Add new

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8. Scroll down on the integrations panel until you see the option labeled Head Tag, select it

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 3.58.24 PM

9. Paste the Weglot JS code into the code box

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Note: Be sure that under Settings, the Title category says Head tag and the Display on... category says All pages.

10. Select Add integration 

11. Publish the changes using the button in the upper right-hand corner of your editor.

Setting up a subdomain

Weglot also offers a subdomain configuration allowing you to set up subdomains in your language of choice. 

For example, if your website was seattleuniversity.com, you could set up a subdomain seattleuniversity.fr.com that would be your exact website translated into French.

To set up a subdomain with Weglot, you can use this article or watch this portion of the Weglot setup tutorial video.


If you have any questions about integrations or run into any issues integrating Weglot, reach out to the B12 support team at hello@b12.io.