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Tagging contacts in B12’s Contact Manager

How to tag contacts individually or in bulk

Written by Katelyn Gray


Contact Manager is only available on a Professional plan and only users with Client access can view it.

Tagging your contacts in the Contact Manager helps you stay organized and reach people quickly. This feature makes it easy to follow up with individuals who contact you or reach out to those who haven’t been in touch. 

Contacts are automatically tagged with the name of the form they submitted. When selecting a tag to send to in Email Marketing, the autotag will show as "form:[form name]". You can customize the names of your forms for easier identification by following these steps!

You can also create custom tags, individually or in bulk. To tag a contact, check the box to the left of their name and click “Tag” at the top of the “All Contacts” table.

Check the box next to an existing tag or start typing to create a new one. 

If you selected multiple contacts, the tag will apply to all checked contacts.

To use tags when sending an email, simply select a tag from the list instead of “All contacts.”

If you have any questions, contact your dedicated customer success team member or email support at hello@b12.io.

Note: The Contact Manager is only visible to team members with Client permissions.