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  2. Blogging with B12

Link a blog feed item to another page or external URL

For more flexibility in your blog feed, you can create a link to another page or website instead of the default blog post.

Written by Jay Douglas

This feature is useful if you would prefer to link an item in your blog feed to a different page on your website or to an external website URL. For example, linking to a new page will give you more flexibility to customize your blog post or add additional content.

1. From your Blog feed section, click Add new blog post.

2. Add a Title and Featured Image for your post and any other information you would like to display on your blog feed page, such as Date, Author, or Summary.

3. Click the Add item button at the bottom. Your new post will appear in your blog feed.

4. From the Blog posts list, click the title you just added.

5. Scroll down to the Page visibility section and click the Hide button. This will create a new field above it labeled Link.

6. Click the in the Link field to edit the Text for your new link (e.g. Read more), the Link type (e.g. Page or section or External website URL), and select or enter where it should Link to.
You can also choose whether to display it as a Button under Appearance.

7. Click the Title of your blog post at the top to return to your blog feed item.

(e.g. Everyday is a winding road)

To undo these changes, just click the Show button (see step 5.) This will add the default Read more button back to link to the matching blog post.

See also:

Customizing your blog posts