B12 Link Types

Let's explore some of the link types facilitated via the B12 editor.

Written by Madeline Buchanan
Last updated: 10 Nov. 2024
There are a variety of ways you can utilize links on a B12 website, let's explore some of the key types we offer:

Existing page or section:

1. Select the Page or section to link to an existing page or section in your B12 website.

2. You can select the page or section from the drop-down under Links to, or you can search for it by name.

3. Sections are indicated by the Page name followed by | and the section name. Links to sections will scroll visitors directly to that spot on the page.
Example: Home | Menu overview section takes visitors to the Menu overview section on the Home page.

4. To link to a page only, choose an option without | Section name.


1. Select the Item type from the drop-down: Blog post, Service, or Product

2. Select the individual blog post or team member from the drop-down under Links to, or you can search for it by name.

External website URL:

1. Select External website URL to link to page on someone else's website, such as an online news article or a third-party service. 

2. Copy the URL from the page you want to link, and paste it under Links to

Media file:

1. Select Media file to link to a PDF or audio file. 

2. Under Links to, click Choose from library and then Upload media to upload the PDF or audio file.

Email address and Phone number

1. Select Email address or Phone number so that visitors can email or call you directly from your website.


1. Select Nowhere to create a link that cannot be clicked. 

2. Nowhere is typically selected if you want to create a drop-down menu.

Tip: Check the Open in a new tab box when linking to External website URLs or Media files to make it easier for visitors to return to your website. 

See also:
Adding and deleting navigation links
Creating a drop-down menu