Find out about how B12 sources our photos and images, where to find free online image resources, and other image license questions.

Images are considered intellectual property and cannot be used without the creator or owner's permission.
If you're not sure whether you can use a particular image, locate the license for the image for information on how it can and can't be used or contact the image owner for permission before using it on your website.
What images am I allowed to use on my website?
Your own original images
Examples: a photo that you took, a logo that you designed yourself -
Images that you have obtained permission to use (sometimes called licensing), or that you purchased to use commercially
Examples: a logo that was created for you by a designer, a photo someone else gave you permission to use, paid stock images (if the license agreement allows it)
Where does B12 get the images that they added to my website?
Unless we are given licensed or original images provided by our customers, we source all of our images from free, open license online resources, like the ones mentioned above.
The photo search in the B12 Editor uses free images from a platform called Unsplash. You can view Unsplash's full image license policy here.
Someone contacted me about an image on my website that has been used without permission. What do I do?
In many cases, this is a common phishing attempt.
Do not click on any links in the message or reply to the sender, unless you know for a fact that the sender is safe. Legitimate intellectual property claims will not require you to click a link in order to view more information about their claim. If a specific image is not mentioned in the email, it is best to ignore it.
If a specific image is mentioned in the email and you are not sure where the image came from, please contact B12's Support Team at for help with determining the original source of the image and/or the licensing agreement.
See also:
Supported media file types and suggested resolution
Adding, replacing, or deleting image